Celebrating Our Star of the Month: Juan David!

Today, we are thrilled to share a heartwarming story that fills the entire Children’s Rehabilitation Institute TeletonUSA family with pride and hope. Let us introduce you to our Star of the Month: Juan David!

Juan David was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a condition that causes brittle bones, he has been receiving therapies at CRIT for almost two years, and his progress is truly inspiring. Despite facing daunting challenges when he first arrived, his courage and the dedication of our team have led him to achieve incredible goals.

Juan David has made transformative advances for which we are very proud. He is now able to kneel and stand up on his own, a monumental achievement that gives him greater control and autonomy in his daily life. Additionally, he can walk for 20 minutes with the help of a walker, allowing him to move freely and enjoy his childhood like any other kid! His new manual wheelchair has given him greater independence, enabling him to move around easily at home and outside. His progress is a true testimony of his strength and determination! We are incredibly proud of Juan David and the progress he has made. His story reflects the power of hard work, perseverance, and the unconditional support we offer at CRIT.

Each step Juan David takes towards independence is a step towards a brighter future. But to continue helping children like him, we rely on your support. Your donations are the lifeline that allows us to provide the specialized therapies and equipment that transform lives.

At CRIT, we are driven by the belief that every child deserves the chance to reach their full potential. With your help, we can turn this belief into a reality. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of many children, just like Juan David, who are in need of your support.

Please feel free to share this story and consider making a donation! Your generosity can change lives.