A Closer Look at Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) can be described or classified in many different ways, including the severity or type of CP. One way to classifying CP is by telling the body part(s) affected.

  • Monoplegia: one limb, either one arm or one leg, is affected.
  • Hemiplegia:  one side is affected; both arm and leg.
  • Diplegia: typically affects the legs more than the arms.
  • Quadriplegia: all four limbs, both arms, and legs, are affected.

You might have also heard of muscle tone or the tightness of a muscle at rest. CP affects muscle tone and how the body’s muscles work together. There are different kinds of abnormal muscle tone. However, two common ones are hypertonia and hypotonia. Hypertonia is described as an increase in muscle tone, which results in increased tightness and stiff limbs. Alternatively, hypotonia is a decrease in muscle tone, which results in decreased tightness and loose limbs.