Would You Join Me as a Dream Maker?

I hope these words bring you joy and a willingness to make a difference in other people’s lives. My name is Alejandra Espinoza, and as a TeletonUSA Dream Maker, I’m reaching out with a special invitation just for you: Will you consider becoming a Dream Maker for this noble cause?

Being a monthly donor for TeletonUSA has been a transformative experience in my life. Each step on this path has left indelible marks on my heart. Now, I extend this extraordinary opportunity to you, inviting you to join our wonderful family.

The Children’s Rehabilitation Institute TeletonUSA (CRIT) is a magical place where dreams become a reality full of opportunities for hundreds of families. With your support, we can provide hope to children like Benjamín, who exceeded many of his goals throughout his rehabilitation journey at CRIT with great effort and dedication.

Despite his achievements, Benjamin’s road ahead remains challenging. The rehabilitation of children like him cannot wait, and becoming a TeletonUSA monthly donor goes beyond a financial contribution- it is a commitment of love and solidarity that forever changes lives.

CRIT’s impact is not limited to the children it serves; it touches the lives of their families as well. I assure you that this experience will be very gratifying for your heart as each child and each family attended will be a testimony of your generosity.

I encourage you to take the leap and become part of the CRIT family. Together, we will build a brighter world where we all have the opportunity to reach our full potential. This invitation is a unique opportunity to make a massive difference in the lives of hundreds of children like Benjamin. You already know what to do.

Once you’ve made this heartfelt commitment, I invite you to share with us what inspired you to become a monthly donor. Your story, your journey, and your dedication can inspire others to join us in this noble cause.
With love,

Alejandra Espinoza
TeletonUSA Dream Maker