Meet Cashton: Our Star of the Month!

We are excited to introduce you to Cashton, a young boy whose incredible determination shines through every step of his journey. Cashton is a hard worker who loves cars, trucks, and playing Connect 4. Shortly after birth, he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, a condition that affects his movement, balance, and posture.

Since starting therapies at CRIT, Cashton has made incredible progress in becoming more independent. He’s learning to use adaptive aids, navigate his wheelchair over different terrains, and improve his safety awareness and impulse control. Cashton also participates in a peer group with other adolescent boys at CRIT, which has strengthened his communication and social skills. One of his biggest achievements has been overcoming his fear of water while working on his strength in aquatic therapy twice a week!

While Cashton’s progress has been amazing, his journey toward rehabilitation is far from over. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of people like you, Cashton and many other children find the strength to overcome challenges that once seemed impossible.

Your support changes lives and opens doors to new opportunities for children like Cashton. Thank you for being part of our mission!