National Walk and Roll to School Day 

There are many means of mobility to get to school every morning. Some kids ride the bus, while others walk, propel their wheelchair, or ride a bike or scooter. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, “unintentional pedestrian injuries are the fifth leading cause of injury-related deaths in the United States for children age 5-19.” No matter how your child gets to school, there are safety tips to be aware of to help keep them safe.  

  1. Children 10 and under should cross the street with an adult. It isn’t easy to judge the speed of a vehicle or if the car is stopping to allow you to walk across the street.  
  2. Before crossing the street, look left, right, and left again. 
  3. Always use sidewalks and paths if available. Cross at street corners, with traffic signals and crosswalks. 
  4. If sidewalks are unavailable, walk facing traffic as far left as possible.  
  5. Do not use phones or headphones when walking or propelling a wheelchair; this may distract, impair hearing, and decrease a child’s attention to their surroundings. 
  6. Many kids walk to school before the sun comes out. Wear reflective backpacks, bright-colored clothing/vests, or lights to make your child more visible to a passing vehicle.  
  7. When riding a bicycle or scooter, children must wear a properly fitting helmet. 

If your child is walking to school alone or with a friend, take the time to educate them on safety with walking/riding to school. Be a role model and follow the steps to set an example for your children. Remember these tips daily, especially on Wednesday, October 4th, as it is National Walk and Roll to School Day!