From Your CRIT Counselor: Never Stop Seeking

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein.

Every day brings us the opportunity to learn something, experience a new adventure, and face new challenges. We are in constant transition. I know many people do not enjoy change, while others embrace it and seek it. Some people like to plan and chart every single detail. Others prefer going with the flow and adapting to the current. Change is constant and inevitable and does not have to be stressful or detrimental.

There are many lessons to learn from the past, but we should not dwell in them and drown ourselves. We should have hope for tomorrow and plan goals, but we shouldn’t be so consumed with what may have happened that we ignore what is happening today. Yesterday already happened. Tomorrow, well, we are hopeful we will experience it. Today, this moment is what it is. Let us find that balance of living and enjoying today, our reality. 

As a new year begins, let us continue seeking, questioning, and exploring. These endeavors have led to many successes, discoveries, and growth. Life is too short, even if we live 100 years. I encourage you never to stop seeking. Learn, live, and hope.