From Your CRIT Counselor: The Goal Is The Progress, Not Perfection

“My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be. “ – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Most people begin the new year by making resolutions and setting new goals involving healthier, improving finances, and traveling more.

Setting these goals is excellent, but what if instead of focusing on the outside, we focus on the inside? What can you do to become a better version of yourself? Comparing yourself to someone else may seem like a way to push you to change or achieve goals; however, it increases stress and anxiety in many cases. You will never be like your next-door neighbor, the movie star you admire, or the models you see on TV or the internet. 

Becoming a better you is not about being perfect. Perfectionism is an illusion. It is not real and not achievable and can lead you to excessive levels of anxiety. Work on progress, not perfection. The goal is to become a better version of yourself. You are not the same person you are now that you were a year ago or that you will be in one year. Make change intentional.

This year, make it a goal to learn something new each day, try a new hobby, or learn a new language. Select something that will help you grow personally, professionally, or both. Remember to be intentional in the choices you make to achieve progress. Every small step counts if it is consistent.