From Your CRIT Counselor: The Purpose of Life

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” – Robert Byrne

It’s such a small phrase yet so meaningful. Many times, we live our lives without really living them. We exist but do not truly live. We go from home to work and home again. We are on automatic pilot and do things simply because they must get done.

At times, we compare our lives to others. Particularly with social media, it is easy to get trapped in the lives of others and ask why we can not live like that or think we would love to experience their world.

I often wonder how accurate those lives are. Some may be genuine, but I have learned that it is easy to fake a life for a few hours or even days.  Clips on social media can be re-shot or edited. However, it is not possible to re-do moments in life.

Do not compare yourself to others. Your purpose and journey are different than mine, from your neighbor or the person on your screen. Focus on you, your goals and dreams, and your life.

Focus on your family, whether by blood or choice, and create memories. Take time to dream, plan, and execute those plans. Analyze where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Review what you are doing, what is and is not working, and how to modify and improve. Be intentional.

Make it your purpose to live a life of purpose.