Your support provides rehabilitation services to children from all over the United States.

Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy is performing movement or activities within a water environment by using the physical properties of water to assist with physical performance. At CRIT, we use this activity as a tool in conjunction with our land-based therapy to help facilitate progress towards rehabilitation goals for patients, when appropriate.

One key factor for greater therapy success is maintaining the pool temperature at 93 degrees Fahrenheit. The warmer temperature assists in the management of tone, muscle relaxation, and improved blood flow. Additionally, the aquatic environment allows for buoyancy, thus making the weight of the patient lighter, allowing the patient to improve standing and walking in a minimal gravitational environment. This activity then gives the patient the ability to perform land-based activities more productively. Water resistance serves as a weight, which allows for strengthening without straining joints. At CRIT, we also use hydrostatic pressure, or the forces perpendicular to the body, to decrease swelling and enhance proprioceptive or positional awareness.

Using the different properties of water can assist in many aspects of therapeutic progress, including increased strength, improved awareness, improved mobility, decreased tone, increased balance, ability to stand, walk, and more. Working in a fun and different environment can encourage more participation and improved outcomes!

Early Signs of Cerebral Palsy in Children

Understanding the early signs of Cerebral Palsy in children can help you make decisions that are best for your child’s health and wellbeing.

Cerebral Palsy is a motor disorder that affects about 1 in 135 children in the United States. Although it is one of the most common motor disorders, Cerebral Palsy can look very different from child to child. Much of the effects of Cerebral Palsy depend on the location and severity of the injury in the brain or spinal region.

For example, some children might have typical learning abilities, while others have learning difficulties; some children might have mostly typical motor skills, while others are unable to control their hands, feet, arms, and legs. Although it’s not always easy to predict the exact symptoms of Cerebral Palsy, there are certain patterns that the disorder seems to follow.

Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in Children

Let’s examine the early signs and symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in children. Please keep in mind that most children are not diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy until they are out of infancy.

Although your child may present some of these signs of Cerebral Palsy in infants, there is a chance that they will “grow out” of the actions they are (or are not) performing. With that said, there is also a chance that your child may have a different diagnosis altogether – leukodystrophy, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, and Rett syndrome are commonly misdiagnosed for Cerebral Palsy. 

Take note of the symptoms and bring it up with your pediatrician at your next appointment – this can help with early detection – but have patience with your child and their unique growing and learning process.

Common Cerebral Palsy Symptoms in Infants

Cerebral Palsy symptoms in infants are most frequently caused by an injury during labor and delivery. A brain or spinal injury might not be apparent right away, but you may notice one or more of these symptoms as your child ages:

  • Abnormal muscle tone
  • Crossed or stiffened legs when being picked up
  • Physical movement delays (sitting, crawling, rolling over, walking, etc.)
  • Difficulty controlling hand movements
  • Excessive drooling
  • Inability to lift hold their head up/control their head movements
  • Overextended back and/or neck when lifted
  • Joint and/or muscles stiffness

Most of these symptoms are also signs of Spastic Cerebral Palsy, which is seen in over 70% of Cerebral Palsy cases.

Common Cerebral Palsy Signs in Babies 6+ Months

Signs of Cerebral Palsy in babies over 6-months may either be the result of an injury that occurred during labor and delivery or during the early months of their life. Signs and symptoms include:

  • Difficulties hearing or seeing
  • Uncontrollable muscle movement
  • Stiff muscles, joints, or tendons
  • Unable to roll over
  • Unable to clap hands together
  • Keeps hands balled in a fist

Common Cerebral Palsy Signs in Toddlers

Again, toddlers may show signs of Cerebral Palsy because of an injury during birth or an injury that occurred in their early childhood. This age is typically when the signs and symptoms become most apparent, and a diagnosis can be made.

  • Inability to stand or walk
  • Abnormal posture
  • Awkward crawling
  • Delayed speech or lack of speech
  • Difficulty developing fine motor skills (eating, brushing teeth, coloring, etc.)

Find Care at the Children’s Rehabilitation Institute TeletonUSA

The Children’s Rehabilitation Institute TeletonUSA (CRIT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering comprehensive rehabilitation services for children with neurological, muscular, and skeletal disabilities. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your child develop physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. 

From Your CRIT Counselor: Just a Drop of Water

“Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day.” – Alice Morse Earl

How many times have we asked someone, “how was your day?” and their response was “my day was horrible” or “I’m having a very bad day.” We all have those days where everything seems to go wrong, for example, we can’t find our keys, we keep dropping things, we get a phone call with bad news, we’re late to work, the children don’t want to listen, we get into an argument with a loved one, and the list goes on.

If we take some time to sit, breathe, and reflect, we can find that even on those difficult days, there is something positive or a lesson to learn. I believe that if we go through something difficult or challenging, and we gain nothing from it, it is a waste of our time and emotional upset. Through challenges and difficult situations, we may learn to be resilient and develop patience, compassion, and empathy. We may also gain a new perspective on a situation or realize how strong we are emotionally and psychologically.

When you have a bad day, I encourage you to take a break and ask yourself:

  • Is it a bad day or just a bad moment?
  • What can I learn from this situation?
  • How relevant or important will this situation be a year from now?

You may find that many situations that cause us to be upset, become anxious, or stress out are not as significant when we look at the big picture. They’re just a drop of water in a big ocean of life.