Your support provides rehabilitation services to children from all over the United States.

The Benefits of Standing

Whether on your own or with a device, there are many different ways to stand. You can stand holding on to a surface, stand at an incline, or stand while exploring in a dynamic stander. But have you ever wondered why standing is so important?  

What are the benefits of standing? 

Standing increases bone density, resulting in a reduced risk of osteoporosis or fractures, weight bearing for improved development of hip joints, and reduced risk of hip displacement/dislocation. It also provides a prolonged stretch in good alignment, which decreases the risk of leg contractures.

Appropriate standing promotes tone management, improves circulation and respiration, and regulates digestion and bowel/bladder function. It also enhances skin integrity by relieving pressure points caused by long periods of sitting and increases participation with age-appropriate play and eye-to-eye contact. 

How should my child be positioned when standing? 

For appropriate standing, position your child’s feet shoulder width apart and point forward with their weight evenly distributed between both feet—a slight bend in your child’s knees to reduce stresses placed on the knee joint. Let your child’s arms hang naturally down at the sides of their body. When looking from the side, your child’s ear lobes should align with their shoulder. When looking from the front or the back, your child should be straight with their trunk over their hips and their hips over their legs. 

What are the benefits of proper alignment? 

Proper alignment promotes the appropriate use of your body’s muscles, reducing compensations and risk of injury. It also encourages muscle efficiency, less energy use, and decreased muscle fatigue, and limits stresses placed on your bones, ligaments, and joints, reducing the risk of injury. 

Check with your doctor or physical therapist on the specific frequency of standing for your child. If your child uses a standing device to assist with proper alignment, contact your vendor to adjust as your child grows. 

From Your CRIT Counselor: Gratitude and Attitude

“Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices.” – Robert Rathe.

I have an image I found online that I often use where two men ride on a bus and are seated on different sides. One man looks sad and is looking at the side that faces a mountain. It seems dark and dreary, very depressing. The other man is smiling, he seems hopeful. What he sees is the bright, cheery sun and a beautiful landscape. Each man physically displays what he is seeing. I often think how easy it would be for the man looking at the dreary mountainside to turn his face towards the sunny and bright side of the scenery. The other man could just as quickly focus on the gloomy mountain instead of the glorious view.

These men are on the same journey, but each has chosen what to look at and allowed their perception to affect their mood. How we view and respond to a situation also makes a difference. Our attitude affects our response and our mood.

As we journey through our lives, let us be mindful and live with gratitude and an attitude of joy, reflection, and hope. Our path will face difficulties and challenges, but our philosophy will help us overcome those challenges more productively. We can learn from those challenges or be defeated by them. What side of the view will you focus on as you journey through life?

Fashion for a Cause at CRIT’s Annual Fashion Show

On Thursday, November 9th, CRIT hosted its 6th annual Fashion Show at the Norris Center in San Antonio, Texas. Organized by Gilda Canavati, the fundraiser showcased fashions by Elizabeth’s Boutique and featured CRIT patients as models, showcasing their personalities and newfound independence while being part of an inclusive lineup. The event featured a raffle and welcomed vendors with clothing, jewelry, and beauty products available for purchase.

Special thanks to Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages, IBC Bank, Frost, and Mineragua for sponsoring our event, Gilda Canavati, Ana Carcur, Gilda’s Friends, Elizabeth’s Boutique, Milan Institute of Cosmetology, DJ Jesse Lechuga, and the models for making this year’s fashion show a huge success. All proceeds from this event benefit children and their families receiving rehabilitation services at CRIT.

As we reflect on the success of this event, we invite you to learn more about CRIT’s impactful work and consider supporting our cause. Visit to explore how you can make a difference in the lives of children and families receiving rehabilitation services. Thank you for joining us in this style, compassion, and community celebration.