Your support provides rehabilitation services to children from all over the United States.

From Your CRIT Counselor: Forget the mistake. Remember the lesson.

Dear CRIT families,

Here is a powerful  self-reflection for you today: “Forget the mistake, remember the lesson.” We all have moments where we wish things had gone differently, and it’s natural to carry the weight of our mistakes and regrets. But dwelling on these moments can hold us back from fully embracing the present and moving forward towards the future we deserve.

We must recognize that our beliefs and thoughts can sometimes limit us. We often find ourselves caught up in what we could have done differently, creating scenarios in our minds that are impossible to change. We can’t change the past; recalling our mistakes is only valuable if we learn from them. While we may not be able to control external circumstances or other people’s actions, we do have the power to manage our responses and our mindset.

Every challenging situation we encounter offers an opportunity to strengthen our resilience, refine our decision-making skills, and appreciate the things we have. Reflecting on past mistakes enables us to pinpoint the lessons learned from overcoming challenges, and it helps us to avoid repeating those same mistakes in the future. Take a moment to reflect: How can you grow from these experiences? What lessons can be carried forward to shape a better future?

Every day presents a new chance to learn from the past and savor the present. Let’s plan and prepare for the future, as one day that future will become our present. And in this journey, we are not alone. We are a community, moving forward, supporting each other, and learning and growing every step of the way.

With love,

your CRIT Counselor

Water Safety Tips for a Safe and Fun Summer

At Children’s Rehabilitation Institute TeletonUSA (CRIT), we are deeply committed to the safety and well-being of our patients and their families. As summer arrives and water activities take center stage, it’s crucial to prioritize safety whether by the pool, at the beach, or even at home. Here are some essential tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer.

 Pool Safety

  1. Continuous Supervision: Always supervise children when swimming or near a pool. Constant supervision is the key to accident prevention.
  2. Even if a child knows how to swim, they should never do so alone. Being accompanied by a friend or family member is essential for ensuring their safety.
  3. Bright-Colored Swimsuits: Wearing bright neon-colored swimsuits increases visibility in the pool in case of an emergency. Avoid dark-colored swimsuits, as they are difficult to see underwater.
  4. Appropriate Floating Equipment: Ensure that the floating equipment your child uses is suitable for their weight and size. 
  5. Empty Paddling Pools: Empty paddling pools after each use, as stagnant water can pose a hazard even when not in use.

Open Water Safety

  1. Approved Life Jacket: Wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket when on a boat or participating in open water activities. Always check the approval label to ensure its safety.
  2. Knowledge of the Environment: Be aware of the differences between swimming in a pool and in open water. Decreased visibility, uneven surfaces, changes in currents, and the presence of vessels can pose additional risks.
  3. Constant Monitoring: Assign someone to constantly monitor the water, and it is advisable to change this person every 10 to 15 minutes to prevent fatigue. Ensure the guard is never distracted.

Home Security

  1. Constant Attention: Always keep a close eye on your children when water is nearby, as children can drown in as little as an inch of water.
  2. Locking Doors: Close bathroom doors and use childproof locks to prevent unsupervised access.
  3. Drain Bathtubs: Ensure that all bathtubs are drained and toilet seats are closed. Use childproof locks to reduce access to water areas.
  4. Empty the Buckets: Ensure all water buckets are emptied to prevent any potential hazards, as even small amounts of water can be dangerous. 
  5. Locks and Fences: If you have an outdoor pool, consider adding childproof locks to the doors and installing a fence around the pool to prevent unsupervised access.

Maintaining water safety is not only vital during the summer months, but all year round. With your help and the implementation of these precautionary measures, we can ensure that our children enjoy their water activities safely and happily.

Your commitment to children’s safety makes a difference. Thanks for being part of our community!

Celebrating Our Star of the Month: Juan David!

Today, we are thrilled to share a heartwarming story that fills the entire Children’s Rehabilitation Institute TeletonUSA family with pride and hope. Let us introduce you to our Star of the Month: Juan David!

Juan David was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a condition that causes brittle bones, he has been receiving therapies at CRIT for almost two years, and his progress is truly inspiring. Despite facing daunting challenges when he first arrived, his courage and the dedication of our team have led him to achieve incredible goals.

Juan David has made transformative advances for which we are very proud. He is now able to kneel and stand up on his own, a monumental achievement that gives him greater control and autonomy in his daily life. Additionally, he can walk for 20 minutes with the help of a walker, allowing him to move freely and enjoy his childhood like any other kid! His new manual wheelchair has given him greater independence, enabling him to move around easily at home and outside. His progress is a true testimony of his strength and determination! We are incredibly proud of Juan David and the progress he has made. His story reflects the power of hard work, perseverance, and the unconditional support we offer at CRIT.

Each step Juan David takes towards independence is a step towards a brighter future. But to continue helping children like him, we rely on your support. Your donations are the lifeline that allows us to provide the specialized therapies and equipment that transform lives.

At CRIT, we are driven by the belief that every child deserves the chance to reach their full potential. With your help, we can turn this belief into a reality. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of many children, just like Juan David, who are in need of your support.

Please feel free to share this story and consider making a donation! Your generosity can change lives.