From Your CRIT Counselor: Do What You Can

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. – Theodore Roosevelt

Have you ever regretted a decision or wished you had said or done something differently? At that precise moment, you reacted based on your personality, experiences, and what you knew. We could think, “What if…?” or “If I could do it all over again…” If you had different information or more time to decide, you might have made another choice. You did what you could with what you had. We can be so hard on ourselves. Be more compassionate with yourself, accept where you are, and strive to improve.

It would be interesting to relive our younger years with the knowledge, wisdom, and experience we have now. Since we cannot do that, let’s focus on what we can do today.

Our past responses to live events formed who we are and got us where we are now. The decisions we make today will affect our tomorrow. Select a goal, write it down, decide the steps to take, and set a timeline. Even if you do not complete the plan by your timeline, you will still have achieved more than if you did not start.

What is a personal goal you can start working on today? Take those small but consistent steps to achieve your goal. Do it daily. I read recently that if each day we were 1% better, in a year, we would be 37 times better than we were when we started. That’s a pretty incredible journey!

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.