Back-to-School Backpack Tips
It’s back-to-school season, and the excitement of choosing a backpack for the year is here. However, there are things to look for to ensure your child is not experiencing pain throughout the year. Check out our tips for proper backpack use here.
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From Your CRIT Counselor: Step by Step
A little progress each day adds up to significant results. Each step we take brings us closer to the desired destination. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the small steps.
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Five Inclusive Video Games You Should Know About
The video game industry has experienced exponential growth in recent years, becoming a significant form of entertainment worldwide. Here are some examples of how video games can address accessibility, along with five accessible games you can explore.
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A Message From Our CEO
Today we celebrate a very special day: National Nonprofit Day. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your support to children with disabilities and their families throughout the years.
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The Importance of Play in Childhood
Did you know that play is essential for child development? Play is an ideal tool for communication, learning, and knowledge. Click here to learn more about the advantages of play and examples of games that promote inclusion.
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Meet Mateo, Our Star of the Month!
Shortly after birth, Mateo was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a genetic disease affecting his muscles’ strength. Mateo’s journey is far from over, with your support, he will continue reaching his maximum potential.
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From Your CRIT Counselor: Today
Today will never come again. One short sentence, yet impactful when you take time to reflect on it. What would you do if today was all you had?
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Make a Difference Today
This cause has become an inspiration and a call to make a tangible difference in society. With deep gratitude, I invite you to join me. Become a monthly donor and participate in this incredible mission of love.
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From Your CRIT Counselor: Do What You Can
Have you ever regretted a decision or wished you had said or done something differently? If you had different information or more time to decide, you might have made another choice.
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