Your support provides rehabilitation services to children from all over the United States.

What is Aquatic Therapy

What is Aquatic Therapy?

At CRIT, therapists provide a specialized approach to tailor each session to meet every child’s therapy goals through interventions that sometimes cannot be achieved on land. Click here to learn more.

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The Purpose of Life

From Your CRIT Counselor: The Purpose of Life

Many times, we live our lives without really living them. We exist but do not truly live. Analyze where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Make it your purpose to live a life of purpose.

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The Endless Possibilities of Sensory Bins

The Endless Possibilities of Sensory Bins

Making a sensory bin at home is a great way to engage with your child while targeting a variety of skills. Click here to learn what to consider when creating a sensory bin.

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Stepping Stones

From Your CRIT Counselor: Stepping Stones

In life, we will make mistakes, face challenges and obstacles, and fail. What we do after making a mistake, hurting someone, or facing a difficult situation says a lot about us.

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Check your Car Seat 

It’s Time to Check your Car Seat 

Did you know that nearly half of the car seats on the road are used or installed incorrectly? Learn more about installing a car seat properly and harnessing your child here.

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Seeking and Giving Help

From Your CRIT Counselor: Seeking and Giving Help

When faced with the opportunity to assist someone, our experiences may affect how we respond. What leads you to help and get involved? What holds you back?

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The Benefits of Walking Backward

The Benefits of Walking Backward

Taking steps and walking are significant milestones for functional mobility that many parents get excited about. But did you know that even walking backward is an important milestone?

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Never Stop Seeking

From Your CRIT Counselor: Never Stop Seeking

As a new year begins, let us continue seeking, questioning, and exploring. These endeavors have led to many successes, discoveries, and growth. Life is too short, even if we live 100 years.

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Don't Miss This Opportunity to Change Lives

Don’t Miss This Opportunity to Change Lives

I want to share with you that being a TeletonUSA Dream Maker has been a profoundly enriching experience in my career. For this reason, I invite you to be part of our great community.

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