Your support provides rehabilitation services to children from all over the United States.

Importance of Positioning with Seating System for Scoliosis

Importance of Positioning with Seating System for Scoliosis

A person who experiences scoliosis, but does not rely on the assistance of positional supports, can progress over time. Click here to learn the benefits of appropriate positioning.

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Enjoy Today

From Your CRIT Counselor: Enjoy Today

When the leaves fall from the tree, they can no longer return to the tree. The same thing happens with life. We can never recuperate each day that passes.

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How to Take Care of Children with Seasonal Allergies

How to Take Care of Children with Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can arise at any age, as even children without seasonal allergies can still develop them. Learn here the symptoms and care tips for seasonal allergies.

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Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is commemorated annually on the third Thursday of May to raise awareness about web accessibility and inclusion in the digital world.

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CRIT Annual Gala Honors Sebastián

CRIT Annual Gala Honors Sebastián

Sebastián, renowned artist, was honored at the third annual "It Takes a Village" Gala on May 9th. All proceeds from the gala go towards providing critical rehabilitation services for children and their families at CRIT.

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Two Things to Remember

From Your CRIT Counselor: Two Things to Remember

Take care of your thoughts when you are alone and your words with people. Our thoughts can destroy us or uplift us. We have a choice.

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Volunteering The CRIT Experience

Volunteering: The CRIT Experience

The TeletonUSA volunteer program is the heart of the organization. The goal of a CRIT volunteer is to help ensure that every patient and their family feels accompanied and valued.

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Join our Mission Today

Join our Mission Today

In 2016, TeletonUSA came into my life and changed it forever. Together we will help hundreds of children with disabilities achieve their dreams. We are counting on you!

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Art Show & Open House

CRIT Patients and Artists Collaborate to Raise Funds

On Thursday, March 30th, CRIT hosted its first-ever Art Show & Open House. The colorful exhibition showcased pieces created by CRIT patients in collaboration with San Antonio artists.

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